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Force of Nature

Frank Reed, M.D., Professor Emeritus of Family Medicine, University of Montana

Terre Short is a force of nature! Over the past 10 years I’ve had the opportunity to witness Terre’s prowess in both clinical and educational settings. She brings energy, expertise, and experience to whatever task she under takes and is especially adroit at embodying and teaching communication. She understands the power of words as well as nonverbal signals and astutely practices the three key communication elements: sending, receiving, and discerning that which is in-between. If you have a chance to work with her as a coach, speaker or facilitator, don’t pass it up.

Sought-after Expert

by Lyn Ketelsen, Vice President & Chief Patient Experience Officer

Terre has long been a sought-after expert to facilitate leaders and their organizations to improve results. She is a relatable coach, a creative consultant, and her ability to connect with an audience in small and large groups makes her an excellent speaker and trainer.

Well-honed Perspective

Tech Corporate Executive, San Jose CA

Working with Terre as my coach, what I feel most strongly is her curiosity and intention to help. This intention creates a valuable holding space for exploration; her calm, encouraging presence and deep questioning facilitate the process of discovery such that I leave each session with a feeling of clarity, and with concrete action steps in hand to implement. Terre’s years of experience give her a well-honed perspective on business and leadership issues, time management, and interpersonal communication.